In December 16, 2010 the Chinese president Wen Jiabao trip to India . Wen arrived in New Delhi on 16th afternoon for a three-day trip, The three-day trip is Wen first time visit to India in five years. The three-day trip Wen try to build the trust between Chinese and India . both of them are expected to discuss their disputes. The two most populous countriesin in the world’s have worked to play down their tensions
Talks between Wen and Singh, involving the history of tension and confrontation has marked relations between the two countries. The border dispute between the two countries, which caused a war in 1962, despite the 14 pairs of the discussion of this issue has still not been resolved, Chinese state-run Global Times, called on both countries to find a way to resolve tensions.
Despite the disputes between them, India and China to cooperate in the international response to climate change issues and a greater voice in global finance.